The mission of Operation HELP is to help residents of St. Croix County and adjacent communities maintain stable living situations, emotional well-being, and personal dignity when they experience food insecurity or temporary financial hardships.

Operation HELP + Hudson Area Backpack and Food Program + Fresh Harvest Pantry!
Effective January 1st, Operation HELP and Hudson Area Backpack and Food Programs have become one organization! Our two nonprofits have merged and are reorganizing under the Operation HELP corporate name. The change will result in more accessible and coordinated programs for the people we serve and create greater sustainability and efficiency in operations. Clients, volunteers, and donors may not notice a change initially because programs (emergency financial assistance, Fresh Harvest Panty, the Resource Center, Hudson Area Backpack, the annual Christmas program, etc.) will continue to operate largely unchanged. The bigger impact will be at the governance and overall management levels. Throughout 2025 there will be consolidation of some common functions like fundraising, websites, social media, etc. Stay tuned for more information as we navigate this new path forward!

Additional Budgeting Classes
Additional budgeting classes have been scheduled through the end of the year. Classes will take place in the Royal Credit Union Community Room in Operation HELP’s building at 1830 Hanley Road in Hudson and are facilitated by a financial educator from Royal Credit Union. For more info or to register online, visit bit.ly/OpHELPBudgetingClass

Are you looking for an opportunity to assist individuals and families going through difficult times?
Operation HELP is seeking volunteers who can help at the resource center in Hudson for a minimum of two, 3-hour shifts per month (choose your own schedule). You will respond to clients needing financial assistance (rent utilities, car repair), vouchers (gas, laundry, clothing), and other amenities (toiletries, diapers, socks and underwear, homeless bags, pet food, etc.). It’s a great way to get acquainted with other like-minded volunteers and give back to your community. Operation HELP serves all communities in St. Croix County.

Help us keep our Resource Center stocked with client supplies
Summer’s a busy time for all of us with kids out of school, family vacations, summer sports, camps, community events, etc. It’s also been a busy time for Operation HELP’s Resource Center where St. Croix County families and individuals come for help with basic necessities. Inventory of many items is running low. Diapers are always difficult to keep in stock. Toiletries like soap, deodorants, tooth paste and brushes, shaving supplies, and feminine hygiene products are always in demand. Toilet paper and socks and underwear for all ages and genders are also needed. When times are tight, we often rely on generous in-kind donations collected by local clubs, churches, businesses, workplaces, student groups, families, and even youth sports teams! If you and your group would like to help, we’ve created an online tip sheet with more information to help you get started. Click here or call our office at (715) 386-1300.

As a result of the assistance we received, we were able to maintain our self-respect and not have to sell our furniture to raise money to pay the rent.
We can help visitors with vouchers, emergency supplies and referrals for support and aid
We can help with rent, utilities and car repairs. Click here for more information about eligibility requirements and information on how to access this support.
Operation HELP is a 501(c)(3) organization and we accept financial donations as well as donations of emergency supplies.
Volunteers have many different roles at Operation HELP. If you are interested in learning more click the button below.
Subscribe to Operation HELP's email list to receive our semi-annual newsletter, notification about activities like the annual Christmas for Kids project, and occasional updates on programs and fun public events. We promise we won't overwhelm your inbox and you can unsubscribe at anytime! Click below to subscribe